Charlie Storey, Barry Webster, and Nigel Cunniffe

Making a Difference at Helsby Golf Club

On Thursday, June 13th, three dedicated Arran employees, Charlie Storey, Barry Webster, and Nigel Cunniffe, participated in the annual powered wheelchair appeal day at Helsby Golf Club. Despite the mid-June date, the weather was less than ideal, with overcast skies and intermittent rain showers. However, the spirit of the event remained high, as participants focused on the significant cause at hand.

The Event: Golfing for a Greater Good

While the golfing performance of our team was average, the day was not about winning on the course. The true champions were the children benefiting from the funds raised. These funds are dedicated to providing powered wheelchairs, dramatically enhancing the mobility and quality of life for many young individuals.

Expertise and Commitment to Community

Arran is proud to have employees who actively participate in community service and charity events. Our involvement in the Powered Wheelchair Appeal Day is just one example of our broader commitment to social responsibility.

Charlie Storey, Barry Webster, and Nigel Cunniffe


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